A Garden in Japan

I created this painting in 2020—though I don’t remember exactly the date— after visiting Japan in 2019. My mother and I were fortunate to travel there just a few months before the pandemic brought everything to a standstill.

It was a happy occasion to reunite with my aunt and family who live on the opposite side of the world from us in Brazil. Our journey to Tokyo was long but worth every moment.

This painting is a gouache study on a sample of Arches paper. During this trip, I acquired some Holbein gouaches and used this opportunity to improve my skills with them. I highly recommend this brand for its vibrant colors and ease of use.

The garden depicted was part of a park—Hikarigaoka, if I’m not mistaken. On my first visit, I simply decided to go for a walk, eager to explore the surroundings. Suddenly, I stumbled upon this park with its trees and people strolling about. It was an amazing sight, with the trees swaying in the wind and the interplay of light and shadow. I felt incredibly lucky to have experienced such a beautiful surprise so far from my home.

My painting is a reminder of those good days, good family memories. I encourage you to channel your creativity by capturing your own memories on paper—be it through words, drawings, or paintings. You’ll be amazed at how these memories become ingrained within you.

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